请柬英文婚礼请柬thisisduetobeintheafternoonathotelforthelittlegirlandheldweddingwhenyourcompanythecouplewouldliketoorder译文:兹定… 英文婚礼请柬this is due to be in the afternoon athotel for the little girl and held weddingwhen your companythe couple would like to order译文:兹定于x月x日(星期x)下午x时,在xx酒店为小女xxx与xxx先生举行婚礼.届时恭请光临xxx夫妇谨订英文婚礼请柬范文四:mr. and mrs. john smith and mr. and mrs. harvey harrison request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their children myrtle marie and boris michael on sunday, the seventeenth of july two thousand and sixteen at nine o’clock sacred heart church mount holly, new jersey译文:史密斯先生和哈里什哈维女士,很荣幸的邀请你们来参加玛丽和米迦勒鲍里斯的孩子们的婚礼,时间是在2016年七月十七日九点,地址是在新泽西的芒特霍利圣心教堂。